Hello, from New York!


I’m Gab!

If you would have told me 3 months ago I would be starting a blog I would’ve laughed. But when life gives you lemons….

I’m here because life has been turned upside down these past few months. We’re living in a global pandemic, where millions of people across the world have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. In the U.S we have been quarantined to our homes for over 2 months. Only leaving for getting essential items and even then always maintaining a distance from each other to slow the spread.

It’s a scary reality, and everyone has been impacted in some way. For me, the impact happened pretty quickly. I got sick with the virus in mid-March, during the second day my company suggested we work from home. It was a rough few days, but I got lucky and it passed quickly for me. Shortly after I recovered, I received news from my company that they had to reduce overhead costs due to the impact of Covid-19, and I was being furloughed. Tough times!

It’s not only that I’m starting this because I have more time on my hands now. In full transparency, I’m rarely bored! And when all else fails I I love to plop down on the couch and binge some tv show (I’m currently flipping between Waco, The Office, The Soprano’s, and Vampire Diaries - It's hard work but someone has to do it)

But truly, I’ve just had a lot more time to think lately. There are so many things I enjoy that can’t be done right now like traveling, experiencing new restaurants, spending time with friends, and exploring New York City. I miss all of it.

I want to focus on those things that I love here, share my favorite experiences with photos and stories. It’s my way of staying positive, and finding the sunshine in a really dark time. Plus, recording a bit of life right now as it is feels like a good way to process everything that’s going on.

ANYWAY, if you’ve read all the way down here... thanks for your curiosity. I promise to always use poor grammar, sometimes complain about trivial things, and often say corny shit. Let’s go - G.S


How to Become a Runner