Garden Growth
It’s August, and while in some ways my garden has grown larger, the growth is not linear. Day by day it literally looks different and some days certain plants just look dead! Leaving me to scratch my head and wonder what I’m doing wrong!? In full transparency this tends to happen after a few days of being away, and while Ryan helpfully will water them for me, they still look as if they’re thirsty and wilting from the heat!
The weather has been brutal in New York recently: over 90 degrees, extremely humid, and the only time we get rain is during a violent thunderstorm. So it’s a little hard to manage my little outdoor friends in these conditions. But I’m determined, and ready for the challenge. They’ve made it this far (most of them) so let’s see if they can make it to the fall!
Growing like a vine
Training the vine
Xx Gab