Wrapping Up 2020
2020…. WHAT. A. YEAR.
I’ve seen so many conflicting opinions about its end. Some people say to be grateful for what we’ve learned from it. Others say cheers to 2021 - let’s move on, and don’t look back!
We could all agree, so much happened this year.
Unless you lived under a rock you know what I’m talking about. Due to our increasingly modern and connected society, there were a series of localized events that had an impact on the entire world. Covid-19, global climate change and the wildfires, the Black Lives Matter movement, the US Presidential election…. but probably most impactful was the global pandemic.
We all were here for it so there is no point in recounting every detail. But we were each living very different lives during it. And day by day even our own situations, feelings and outlooks changed as quickly as the wind.
Everyone has a different story for 2020. We all experienced our own individual happiness, fears, sadness, or anxiety. We each felt a different impact from this year.
I would say mine, like many, was a rollercoaster. Full of ups and downs. I’m writing this to simply remind myself what this year really was like as it’s fresh in my mind. I hope I won’t forget to be grateful. To stop and appreciate every freedom I’ll hopefully have again in the future when things become more “normal” again.
Kicking it off.. I literally laugh thinking about how we thought quarantining and working from home would only last a few weeks. How naive! Please see below for how this year REALLY went.
From How It Started, to How It’s Going…
9 months later, we’re still repping masks!
If we could have had a premonition for the rest of the year, January pretty much summed it up.. what a rollercoaster.
Rang in 2020 surrounded by some of my favorite people, celebrating the marriage of our friends!
One of our closest friends Steve suffered a devastating injury called an aortic dissection. It was a shock, and very rare for someone young and healthy. Steve fought hard to heal, and despite all odds, he recovered and is doing well today! Steve spent almost 3 months in the hospital, and our friends tried to visit him often.
Though it was an extremely emotional time, his friends and family rallied around him, and raised over $85,000 to support his hospital bills and recovery!! Despite all odds, Steve is on the road to recovery!
Celebrating a big milestone in my family, Dad’s 60th Birthday!
I was accepted to graduate school at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University, and began a full time online degree program, while working.
Luckily for me, I planned some early 2020 adventures.
Some of our friends had a fun President’s Day Weekend in Vermont!
I got official confirmation I would be running the 2020 Marathon, after qualifying in 2019. It was the 50th Anniversary of the race!!
Ryan wanted us to go to Ireland in February - after the Superbowl for him and before my busy work season began. We got to enjoy four days in the land of his forefathers - his first time in Europe!! It was an important trip for us, after spending so much of the beginning of 2020 apart due to our hectic schedules.
Got to visit a new country, and see one of the wonders of the world - the Cliffs of Moher. I was lucky to check something off my bucket list in 2020!
I jetted from Ireland - to NY for a few days - then to California for work.
The literal calm before the storm - I took this photo the morning I left Los Angeles for New York.
I thought I was leaving a danger zone at the right time - but jokes on me because I was actually heading for the epicenter of the virus!
The threat of Quarantine meant grocery stores were shutting down. While I was in California, Ryan got what was left on the shelves for us…… We were not going to last long :/
Then Ryan and I got Covid-19…. This was the moment I realized and started to worry.
Luckily, our fevers never went over 102 degrees. We recovered quickly after a few rough days. We could not see doctors, get tested, and had to quarantine in our tiny apartment for two weeks.
I found out we would be working from home indefinitely, and some days I would wear outfits like this.
We all had to be kept 6 Feet Apart at all times, to keep each other safe.
Lines at the grocery stores could take up to 2 hours.
I was unexpectedly furloughed from my job. I was upset, worried about the unknown and my financial security. I didn’t know how long it would be for - potentially up to 90 days.
My mom made me this hysterical fur-loaf and it cheered me up.
Since we couldn’t physically be together, we saw each other virtually instead.
Sitting inside with nothing to do on the weekends meant lots of puzzles and games for Ryan & I to keep ourselves from growing extremely bored.
There was also a lot of baking going on!
We worried about my Grandma getting sick. She worried about feeling so alone.
Many of our friends left Manhattan.
I spent a lot of time on the porch - and it became mine and Ryan’s favorite place to be.
Spent my birthday in a park with these 4 ladies!
Even though it was small, it was actually one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. I felt so loved by my friends and family, near and far!
I came obsessed with growing plants.
I ran a lot in preparation for the marathon… feeling more fit than I had in a long time.
Once I was able to confirm I had the antibodies from the virus, I donated my convalescent plasma to hopefully help those hospitalized and really sick recover from Covid-19. I hate blood and needles, but I felt so relieved I could do something good for others.
Protests for racial justice arose across the city. Some turned to riots and became violent - dumpsters were lit on fire on our street, and we were scared if things would get worse and we should leave the city.
Many businesses in the city were damaged, and closed.
But there were also peaceful protests, important conversations, and much-needed awareness brought to the situation.
Reuniting with my best friends. It was the longest time the four of us hadn’t all been together, but after months we got our little quad back together in the same place.
Outdoor dining opened in NYC - and beautiful sidewalk cafes sprang up around the city. It was one of the only positive outcomes of this virus’s impact on the restaurant industry. Small businesses continued to suffer all year.
After months of working on it, I launched my blog! I was nervous, but it’s been one of the greatest highlights of this year!
The greatest joy of the summer was taking a few short trips like this one to Newport, RI.
I spent a few wonderful weekends with my family, like this local trip to Lake George
Our amazing friends got engaged in June and after months apart the Delaware crew finally all gathered together to celebrate!
The 2020 marathon I had qualified and trained for was cancelled.
I was disappointed, but I hope to have a shot in 2021!
I spent as much time with family as possible - as safely as possible. I felt grateful for every moment together and the fact that we were all healthy.
We got engaged!!!
And we got to celebrate with friends and our immediate family. It was the best day of my life!
My dad retired early from his career in banking. It was a time filled with uncertainty and unknown.
We found our wedding venue!
Bailey turned 10!!
I got stung by a bee for the first time in over 20 years, and found out I’m allergic!
This year since I got Covid, in periods of stress and anxiety I suffered from some strange inflammatory response issues. Feeling lethargic has been common, and I haven’t felt 100% my physical self. But I’ve been gentle with myself, taking time to rest and recharge before 2021.
Our friends began turning 30! Things felt more normal for a few weeks in the fall.
Got on a plane for the first time since March - back to California for work. I had never seen the airport so empty.
Ryan met me in California, for a few days together in sunshine.
We celebrated several 30th birthdays! It was nice to have something to look forward to.
I didn’t know if it would be possible, but we were able to spend the holidays together.
After 12 months, I completed my Master’s Degree! After spending thousands of hours on Zoom, watching hundreds of asynchronous lectures, and most weekends spent working on papers and group projects. I learned so much, and met tons of wonderful people. Though it challenged me, I was really proud of myself for completing this goal and furthering my education.
Covid cases rose across the world again as temperatures dropped. NYC closed indoor dining, and we tried to support small businesses by eating outdoors regardless, in freezing temperatures!
These amazing ladies agreed to be my bridesmaids!
This Fall was the most challenging months of work, between covering for my manager during maternity leave and training a new team member. I worked long nights, and sometimes I simply couldn’t keep up or felt like I was failing.
But I was shocked to win a global marketing award for pivoting in 2020. It was a great recognition.
Also, the Friends experience came to the neighborhood and I giggled when I saw this window on the very same the day.
Christmas Eve we found out that Ryans dad had Covid and we couldn’t gather with his family for Christmas like we planned. A few rapid Covid tests later, we were able to spend the holidays with my family at home.
More than anything else, I’m grateful for all the time Ryan and I were able to spend together this year.
Although I took a month off from publishing posts to finish school and take time for myself, I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I started this blog! I bought a domain, taught myself how to navigate Squarespace, built my own website, and wrote over 30 different articles and posts. I don’t have it all figured out, and I hope to scale it in the future… but I’m proud that I tried something new and took a risk despite what people might think or say.
I’ve received so much love and positivity from most. Blogging gave me something to focus on and be excited about when I didn’t know what in the world was going on.
We’ll see where it goes in 2021!
No, it was not the year we planned.
As hard as this year was for so many people, it wasn’t all bad. There were some good things to come out of 2020 as well. At the very least, a new appreciation for what we DO HAVE.
We laughed, we cried, we were human.
Looking back it’s hard to comprehend that this was only 1 year! 12 months… 365 days… but January 2020 felt like another lifetime ago. Now we have a chance for a fresh start.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!
Xx Gab